"Just knock them down, like dominoes..."

...was the advice my good friend Aaron gave me in the middle of the term when the amount of work I had seemed insurmountable. I have a problem with putting too many things on my plate. I think deep down inside I enjoy the feeling of being busy. Not so much the feeling of constantly having things to do, but the feeling of being important, useful and needed. I have had this malady for as long as I can remember. Someone will ask me, "how's it going, Jon?" "Ok... Busy", is the invariable answer, as though busyness is some sort of trophy or badge of my importance. Many people are genuinely busy. I am also genuinely busy, though I do wonder sometimes whether the need to do so stems from a less-than-noble desire. Look how many meetings I have to go to. Look how hard I have to study. Look how many papers I have to grade. I am so tired but aren't you proud of me? Can I have some affirmation of my existence, please?
Having said all that-- I only have two things left on my plate. 1) Hebrew Final and 2) Marking for NT Foundations. Upcoming posts... "These are a few of my favourite things", "major influences in my life", "dream-jobs for my best friends", and "Plans for the Summer and Beyond!" Stay tuned.
Thanks so much, Sharon, for the Canucks tickets. It was a terrific game to be at, and the seats were the best I've ever had in a major league hockey game.