Great Expectations...

I've been admitted to do postgraduate work at Edinburgh University starting fall 2006. This is beyond my wildest dreams. Edinburgh has always been among my top two choices (Cambridge, being the other) for postgraduate studies. It has always been my desire to study under Prof. Larry Hurtado-- he is an expert in the field of NT, a prolific writer, an authority in my area of interest, and has a high view of Christology. When the university offered me a place, they also assigned Hurtado as my primary supervisor! It is hard for me to contain my excitement. Career/academic aspirations aside, I am thrilled at the prospect of a change in scenery, as well as the opportunity to live and travel in Europe!
Following Jesus' leading one small step at a time has been a gruelling experience... It's hard to keep your head up when you can only see a few steps at a time. In times of difficulty it is also easy to question if one's calling is even actually from God. Even at this stage I can only see ahead a few steps further but I have been shown so much grace and assurance that I would be a complete fool to stop following now. Lead on. Lead on.