Edinburgh Sunset

Edinburgh Sunset
Originally uploaded by Jon Lo.
JL: Good night babe...
KL: Why are you calling me babe?
JL: I dunno...it's a term of endearment?
KL: Babe is a pig. Are you calling me a pig?
JL: No.
KL: I have this theology book that has a bunch of really cool charts. Want to look through it?
JL: Sure. Ok.
KL: Prelapsarian... Which view do you believe in? Oh wait... Original Sin. This is a good one.
JL: This is why I detest systematic theology.
KL: I love charts.
JL: 'Sunshine' was a pretty good movie. You never would have guessed it was a foreign film.
KL: Where was it made?
JL: In the UK.
KL: How's that a foreign film? You're foreign.
JL: Well, if it's not made in Hollywood it's considered a foreign film.
KL: To an ethnocentric person, maybe. And Canada is not part of the US anyway. Does Canada make movies of their own?
JL: We make documentaries. We are sort of the Kings of documentaries.
JL: Ooh what do you think of this one?
KL: that is a really ugly poster
KL: hideous
JL: what the tree one?
KL: ya. boo...
JL: i kind of like it
KL: maybe we should go to the art museum together sometime...that could be an adventure
JL: i'd like that, but you think stuff I like is hideous
KL: well, just the tree one
JL: hrm.
KL: U r an odd duck
KL: My flat mate had a fish for dinner tonight. Why would anyone want to eat a fish? That's so disgusting!
JL: Just because you're not used to something doesn't mean it's gross...
KL: She cooked it in the kitchen. It had scales and fins and everything! I almost gagged!
KL (msn): what u doing over there? are you studying?
JL: sorta
KL: u gonna watch the rednecks game?
KL: redbirds?
KL: redshirts?
KL: redskins?
JL: red WINGs.
KL: damn.
JL: nah.
KL: oh ok
KL (msn): gonna lay down and read a wee while and get sleepy.
wee is such a wonderful word.
JL: wee... i mean, aye. wee is "yes" in french.
KL: he he.
KL: i like it when you speak french
KL: its very romantic
JL: hrm... my mock sensor is tingling
KL: oh no
KL: your sensor isn't very good.
KL (msn): i'm sorry for picking on you so much
KL: you can't help that you're canadian and belong to recipenerds.com
KL: so i'm sorry
JL: haha
JL: go ahead. make your time.
KL: was that an I forgive you?
JL: i cannot forgive an insincere apology
KL: i really meant it
JL: hrm
JL (msn): thanks for your silly card : D
KL: good night. i hope it inspires dreams of happy monkeys, not the scary kind in Wizard of Ox
JL: heheheh
KL: friendly, furry monkeys who want to be your friend and feed you a banana
JL: the wizard of OX??
JL: hahahah... LOL!!!
KL: quit laughing at me
JL: mooooo
KL: bite me.
KL (msn): so what are you up to tonight?
KL: got a hot date?
JL: my katie is over the ocean
JL: my katie is over the sea
KL: nice song
JL: : /
KL: plagiarized, but nice.
KL (msn): hey i like your blog
KL: i am stalkin it
JL: my blog? i haven't written much in it lately
KL: i know
JL: so what do you like about it? are you reading the old stuff?
KL: i just like it.
KL: so bite me
JL: hey now
JL: no need to bring the molars into it
JL: this is a molar-free zone
JL: What did you think of the Toblerone?
KL: It was really good.
JL: We used to have these when we were kids. It was a real treat.
KL: Yah, it's good chocolate except there are these bits of white stuff in it that I spat out. The chocolate part was good though.
JL: When was this picture taken?
KL: It's from last year when I was moving out to come here.
JL: I really like this picture of you.
KL: Why?
JL: You look really happy in it.
KL: I know... I must have known I was going to meet you, or something.
JL (txt): U are the prettiest girl I know.
KL: You are biased.
JL: I can't help it if it's true.
KL: You are sweet, but delusional.
JL: I guess this is it.
KL: That was like... an hour ago.
JL: .....
KL: Happy New year.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
The sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
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