SANDwich Anyone?

"India: A woman has revealed her secret to a long, healthy life - she eats a kilo of sand a day. Ram Rati, 80, of Chinar in Lucknow, eats sand before breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. She says it has been an essential part of her diet since her youth. Her grandaughter Shikha said: 'The doctor said if she has no health problems, let her eat it. We think it suits her health.'" Source:
We've got lots of it but... somehow.... I don't think this will catch on?
sand? perhaps it works like fiber... can you mix it with yogurt or something?
12:12 AM
ewww that's gross.
10:51 PM
Hmm... perhaps all that grit acts like a scrub to scour the digestive system?? Anyway, hope you're doing well, Jon.
8:06 PM
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