pretty, pretty STAR. it's me and you in all I choose...

Friday, September 08, 2006

It Begins

I'm writing this at the British Airways transfer lounge in London as I wait to find out from which gate the flight to Edinburgh will depart. We got into Heathrow airport at 5:07am and with the exception of the airport lights it was dark as night. It appears our airplane had beat the sun to the city. The plane ride was without incident but I found myself marveling at flying through countries like Russia, Germany and France. I have had to do a lot of flying but it is usually over the Pacific; this is my first time flying through Europe and it was so exciting to be passing over places like Luxenburg and Copenhagen. The flight was long (around 12 hours) and it occurred to me that from Vancouver to Hong Kong to London I had almost travelled around the world in less than thirty days. If I were to continuing flying from London back to Vancouver I will have circled the globe. That's so exciting. On the flight, I met Martin and Lucy, a wonderful couple who were returning to Ireland after visiting Australia. I exchanged a couple of card tricks for some chocolate they had bought in Australia. They informed me, as many others have, that Edinburgh is a fantastic city and that I would love it there. I have heard and read so much about Edinburgh I wonder if my hopes are set too high. I can't wait to get there. It is so monumental. It is like a dream unfolding. I take with me so many new hopes and expectations, and so many people's support, money, and prayers. It's all happening. I know double homesickness (for YVR & HK ) will eventually set in but at the moment I am too preoccupied with the excitement of the adventure before me because at last it has begun.

I think I will go buy a danish and listen to some Avril Lavigne.


Blogger janepaddy said...

wow! what are your new suitemates like?

3:06 PM

Blogger jana* said...

yes edinburgh is beautiful :) so sorry we couldn't meet up before you left! hop[e you're having a great time with your new adventure.... i am!!

7:55 PM

Blogger michelle said...

can't wait to hear about your first days in edinburgh! (hint hint -- please update soon!!) :)

3:41 AM

Blogger ghislaine said...

i'm glad to hear about your excitement! :)

11:20 PM


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