pretty, pretty STAR. it's me and you in all I choose...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hong Kong

Originally uploaded by Jon Lo.
I'm only back for two weeks but in this short time I have come to realise that I really love the city of Hong Kong. It is so crowded (full of crowds) and so lively (full of life). It is a city of people and pollution, of litter and lights. It is the fragrant harbor and the home of fads. There is also more good food here than I can sample in a life time. Due to reasons unknown to me, I have developed some sort of tolerance for the heat and humidity here. I used to complain about the heat ad nauseum but now it seems like even when the locals are talking about how hot it is I am still doing ok. I mean, I still sweat buckets, but it is not unbearable. Uncanny. I have also come to appreciate the beauty that is Hong Kong. Things that I used to take for granted I now find to be impressive and breathtaking. It is amazing to me that people here lead completely different lives from Canadians, with completely different worldviews- differing opinions regarding what is valuable, differing perspectives on what happiness and success look like, how to raise children, what to look forward to and what to hope for, etc. I guess you can call this reverse-reverse-reverse culture shock. I suppose it's not so much of a shock as it is a reminder that the world is a big place and other people are very different from ME and so I have to approach others with understanding and due respect for their equally legitimate way of thinking and upbringing. I have no idea where I will end up but I do love it here.

In addition to rediscovering all this... I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with my parents and dear, dear Jane. Time spent together is a precious thing and once it has vanished it will not come again. There were many times that I wish Joe could have been back too but I suppose that will have to wait. It's also been great to see my grandma, aunts and uncles, and cousins [who have, incidentally acquired a keen interest in magic], and to meet up with many old friends here (Sam, Sal, Kai, Michelle, Wibles, Janice & Derek, Ephraim). It is with no small sadness that I have to pack my suitcases once again to get back on the jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again...

NEXT STOP: Edinburgh, Scotland. (Sept 8th)

ps. For all my supporters- I am still waiting on some pledges that people have promised me but I have reached my financial goal for this first 12 month period of study. THANK YOU so much for making this possible. And thank YOU, Jesus- I'm not worthy of such lavish grace and wonderful opportunity. I will be sending y'all an update once I have reached the UK and have met up with my supervisor LWH. I miss you guys & gals!! mwah..


Blogger ghislaine said...

Yay! An update. :)

I sort of miss HK too. Seeing your pictures on flickr make me wanna go back.

The world is indeed a very big place but it's nice to know that even as 1 single human being (out of millions and billions), we still matter to God.

11:48 AM

Blogger jana* said...

hooray for hong kong!! let's hang out before you leave!!!

7:17 PM

Blogger janepaddy said...

i miss you, brother! have fun over there! next time we meet we can talk in hebrew...

10:25 AM


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