pretty, pretty STAR. it's me and you in all I choose...

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm Working on a Novel.

It's going to begin like this:

"All my life I've been told what a great guy I am, how I would make some girl SO happy, or some other variation thereof. However, the people who tell me these things generally do not consider themselves to be members of my mysterious and exclusive society of adoring females. All things considered, I'm probably the greatest guy I know, and yet I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong with me. How is it that the world's nicest guy can feel so alone? By alone, I don't mean that I don't have any friends or live in a basement by myself; I mean that feeling you get at the end of an evening when your friends go home with their partners and you have to drive home alone. I am talking about the loneliness which sets in when you head off to bed and realize no one is going to call you to ask how your day went or wish you good night. That's the sort of loneliness I mean."


Blogger Hardboiled said...

I want to know how your novel turns out. Keep us posted.

4:01 PM

Blogger ghislaine said...


I still think you're the greatest. I know it's easy for me to say/write this but I truly think your time will come... Just be patient my friend.

We miss you over here...

2:40 PM

Blogger janepaddy said...


i miss ewe brother bear!

8:09 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

uh...would this be an autobiography/novel?

1:22 AM

Blogger sal said...

you're definitely onto something here and i hope you're finishing the book! you're a really good writer by the way. i'll do illustrations for you.... if you want to make it into a semi picture book... or if you just want pictures at the beginning of each chapter. or maybe we can switch it up and put pictures at the end of each chapter.... what do you say?

9:11 AM

Blogger Jon said...

That sounds like a plan sal!!! Actually I'd love to have some of your art just to put up in my place. I love saltam art. I just wish I could afford it!!!

4:00 PM

Blogger sal said...

it's still free at this point jon :)
i'll post you some miniature art. (cheaper postage and more likely you'll bring it with you to wherever you move next!) hehe

send me your addy

9:04 AM


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